Friday, July 07, 2006

July 7, 2006

I thought that pain meant

I was not loved.

It meant I loved.

And so the silence of morning

pierced by birdsong,

or is it the celestial music

of ravishing angels that heralds the day?

I glimpsed myself

in the blinking of an eye

a flame, a ravaging fire,

Elijah’s chariot drawn by horses of fire,


up into heaven: the meaning,

perhaps, of God, or the answer

to prayer: in this vision the uplift

from out of the mire into glory intended,

or perhaps it is the answer to nothing,

but is the fact of prayer…presence intensified,


The perfect bright-yellow radii

of the head of the sunflower

splinters the dark morn, light

remembering its colors, its proper

nature that darkness cannot swallow up:

in morning’s shattered, though lambent light,

everything’s growing so lush,

space flower-filled, roses

stretching up into the canopy of dogwood.

How will it all fit in August? But

there’s this too to the day yet to come:

after the vision of fire, the face

soft and slightly mapped, the doctor

under whose direction the chemicals

will be administered: how fragile the earth;

how strange compassion under the aspect

of intelligence

melds to put off…some…

the loss of what has been loved:

how fragile the eternal

...the infinite.


Blogger anna said...

Love the angels. I always think of angels now as belonging to Merwin singing that one ravishing note. lovely the sunflower. and your opening line.

OOF! how telling and how true

5:19 AM  
Blogger Pawlie Kokonuts said...

why is it when I read some of these lines I am moved to the brink of tears? matters not...thanks for these incantations, and for that word, lambent

6:49 PM  

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