Sunday, February 04, 2007

February 4, 2007 : Metaphysics of Dawn (again)

All mornings are appointed psalms and so too today (93 & 96) and the morning’s psalms both say the earth has been made so firm it cannot be moved, yet Matthew’s enthusiasm is contrarian: If you have faith … and say to this mountain, “Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,” it will be done. The juxtaposition of this dawn: a word that reassures brings to mind a word that shatters the reassurance. Sitting in a chair wondering: can both be true? (Sitting in a chair knowing: the mysticism of the fixidity, a Zen, is surer than the faith of transformation, a physics.) Can the juxtaposition be related to the invisible traces of bird flight, movement without markers, and that’s why there are birds, movement without movement?

Across the east the luminous clay path of dawn: and I stand out, face the dawn, arms outstretched, thumbs skyward, northward and southward, and say to the Light, Rise, rise. And it rises like a mountain spewing forth its hot magma, as the dense unity of night shatters into the multiplicity of day.

Justice is found in the hoped for certainty of the balance of things; mercy is tendered in promise of transformation. Justice is political; mercy interpersonal.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tomorrow at 6:30 I shall stand on my deck - arms outstretched and call for the dawn. I hope it appears.

'Justice is political; mercy interpersonal.'
and so it is

10:51 AM  

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