Saturday, March 10, 2007

Each morning comes: symbol of redemption

Saturday: it is morning; it is not yet raining; it will rain;
it is not yet dawn.
Then these words
Glorify the Lord every shower of rain and fall of dew
all winds and fire and heat
then I stepped out into the cat birdsong
Birds of the air, glorify the Lord
praise him and highly exalt him forever.

Ah, gray sacrament of the mundane, and not just the sky
and not just the cat birdsong: Awakening to gratitude
in this generous Eden.
If both sleep and love are little deaths:
Each morning comes: symbol of redemption
Day One after the 7th day…all over again.


Blogger Glamourpuss said...

Le petit mort leads to the plus grand amour?

Clever stuff.


10:26 AM  
Blogger Pawlie Kokonuts said...

We need more dawns talk!

4:22 PM  

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