Sunday, May 06, 2007

Home : May 6, 2007

Am trying to write a memoir of the dawn:
the first morning home in a week--
The beach was majestic, the gulf comforting,
but here I sit out to birdsong,
where I stayed, there was none;
here there are flowers,
where I stayed, there were none.
I am quite overwhelmed by what I have done:
wonder...and life...and beauty;
I recognize it as home: it nurtures.

I walk the stone path past the Canadian hemlock
to the small vegetable garden in the woods:
six tomatoes, four peppers, a white blooming
perennial sage, thyme, hot oregano, spiky chives,
three Spanish lavenders with blue fluff balls for heads:
all a mere suggestion of a garden in the woods.

Above this, past the hydrangeas returning
after the burn of the April freeze,
the grapes thrive, the peaches, two pears,
two quinces all planted: thrills with superabundance.
The freckled violet has no bloom.

The magnolia, one lemony bloom;
on the deck out back,
the Meyer's enhanced lemon with nearly ripe,
nearly grapefruit-sized globes of yellow.

I read, sadly, on the beach and in the yard
where I stayed, a sad, lifeless yard where I stayed,
a depressed chaotic space that bore to mind the imperative:
O, blessed rage for order...I prayed....
I read there even a disappointing book,
Jim Harrison, Returning to Earth: in our reveries
on death, must we seriously entertain notions of
bear-reincarnations? Here out with the redolence
of rose, the slightly pumpkin color
of the Stella d'Oro day lilies, pineapple sage,
while in the lambent light past dawn,
while seated at the small teak table, a magnificent
beautiful book, if even sad in that tragic, inevitable, human
way: House of Meetings of Amis: intelligence, order.

The green lawn is not yet fully awake to the spring,
the warmth, the sun, the light, yet it provides
repose to the eyes...the soul...the heart. Happily,
gratefully, we are home: jiggety-jog.


Blogger Glamourpuss said...

Such sadness.


9:14 AM  
Blogger Dafath said...

the slide into self neglect....

your germaine greer has written, relationship interfers with masturbation. sadly, this is an instance of that, sadly.


11:14 AM  
Blogger Glamourpuss said...

Germaine Greer is an ass. Really, I can't bear the woman. And you should always make time for a wank.


6:52 AM  
Blogger Dafath said...


Nutten wrong with a little ass

though i think of her as a prune
or a Camilla

wank not
wont not


7:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You recollect 18 more century

12:16 PM  

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